由 top指令得到 mysql的 CPU百分值
top -b -u mysql -n1 | grep mysqld | awk '{print $9}'
#!/bin/bashmemtotal=`free -m | grep "Mem:" | awk '{print $2}'`
memused=`free -m | grep "Mem:" | awk '{print $3}'`
memfree=`free -m | grep "Mem:" | awk '{print $4}'`echo $memused
echo $memfree
echo $memtotal
vi mrtg-mem.cfg
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg/mem
Target[]: `/etc/mrtg/mrtg-mem.sh`
RouterUptime[]: [email protected]
MaxBytes[]: 512
Directory[]: 254mem
WithPeak[]: wmy
Options[]: growright, nopercent, gauge
YLegend[]: amount
ShortLegend[]: mb
Legend1[]: amount of used memory
Legend2[]: amount of free memory
Legend3[]: amount of total memory
Legend4[]: amount of ? memory
LegendI[]: Used:
LegendO[]: Free:
Title[]: amount of free and used memory
PageTop[]: <H1>amount of free and used memory[] – free</H1>
netstat指令取得 httpd人數
Quote: http://linux.vbird.org/linux_security/old/04mrtg.php#online
vi mrtg-http.sh
# 程式主要在計算有多少人以 WWW 的方式連線進主機
# 1. 計算連線的數目
echo `netstat -a | grep www|awk '{print $5}'|sort | wc -l|awk '{print$1 – 1}'`
# 底下在說明整個的列出(檢查用)
# netstat -a | grep www|awk '{print $5}'|sort| uniq
# 2. 計算連線人數:
echo `netstat -a | grep www|awk '{print $5}'|cut -d":" -f1|sort| uniq |wc -l | awk '{print $1 – 1}'`
# netstat -a | grep www|awk '{print $5}'|cut -d":" -f1|sort| uniq
# 3. 輸出時間
UPtime=`/usr/bin/uptime | awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5}'`
echo $UPtime