Log line flags

Quote: http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch49.html#SECID250

<=     message arrival
=>     normal message delivery
->     additional address in same delivery
*>     delivery suppressed by -N
**     delivery failed; address bounced
==     delivery deferred; temporary problem

Summary of Fields in Log Lines

Quote: http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch49.html#SECID258

A            authenticator name (and optional id)

C            SMTP confirmation on delivery
command list for “no mail in SMTP session”

CV          certificate verification status

D            duration of “no mail in SMTP session”

DN          distinguished name from peer certificate

DT          on => lines: time taken for a delivery

F            sender address (on delivery lines)

H            host name and IP address

I             local interface used

id           message id for incoming message

P            on <= lines: protocol used
on => and ** lines: return path

QT          on => lines: time spent on queue so far
on “Completed” lines: time spent on queue

R            on <= lines: reference for local bounce
on =>  ** and == lines: router name

S            size of message

ST          shadow transport name

T            on <= lines: message subject (topic)
on => ** and == lines: transport name

U            local user or RFC 1413 identity

X            TLS cipher suite


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