官網: http://feedjit.com/

FEEDJIT shows arrivals and departures on any page on your website. It does this by tracking referrers and clicks on external links. FEEDJIT won’t slow down your site because it draws itself after your page has loaded.

FEEDJIT is free, we don’t need you to register with us, and it’s secure so no one can steal your widget code and display your arrivals and departures.

FEEDJIT 用來統計誰在看你的 blog、從那裡來、看那個主題,
安裝很簡單,只要貼上一段 javascript 即可,

Live traffic feed
You have no departures or arrivals yet. Wait a few minutes and check again

ref: http://playpcesor.blogspot.com/2007/08/feedjitblog.html
ref: http://www.wappblog.com/50226711/feedjitieceeecblog_widget_111277.php

補充: 除了 google 還是 goole,不然就是 yahoo,暈倒

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