Quote: http://linuxtoy.org/archives/torrentflux.html

TorrentFlux 是使用 PHP 寫成的 BitTorrent 下載客戶端。一旦將其架設在 Web 服務器上,你便可以通過 Web 界面對 BitTorrent 下載進行管理。這種管理具有不受地理位置限制的優點。

Quote: http://www.torrentflux.com/

What is TorrentFlux?

TorrentFlux is a FREE PHP based Torrent client that runs on a web server. Manage all of your Torrent downloads through a convenient web interface from anywhere.

If you like TorrentFlux and you use it, please help support it. "Supporting Members" have access to pre released beta code before final release. Thanks.

TorrentFlux PHP Client

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