有關HardDIsk 訊息

smartd[2689]: Device: /dev/hda, FAILED SMART self-check. BACK UP DATA NOW!

   ref: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/FIOgroup/DiskPrbSmart

This message can appear if the self tests are aborted manually in order to clear out the error log. If this is true, run a series of short tests to clear the 20 error log history. If this is not the case, the disk is failing and should be immediately replaced through DiskWinVendorCall

NET: N messages suppressed
   Quote: http://kano.cc163.net/wmps/consolemsg.htm

NET: N messages suppressed.
服務器忽略了 N 個數据包.和上一條提示類似.服務器收到的數据包被認為是無用的垃圾數据數据. 這類數据多是由攻擊類的程序產生的.
這條提示如果 N 比較小的時候可以忽略.但如果經常或是長時間出現3位數据以上的這類提示.就很有可能是服務器受到了垃圾數据類的帶寬攻擊了.

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