OWASP Mantra 底層是 Firefox,可以把 OWASP Mantra 看成是 Firefox 裡有相關測試網站安全的外掛的瀏覽器,
它是非營利的全球化組織 開放網路應用安全專案(Open Web Application Security Project,OWASP)中的一項網頁程式安全計畫
- A web application security testing framework built on top of a browser.
- Supports Windows, Linux(both 32 and 64 bit) and Macintosh.
- Can work with other software like ZAP using built in proxy management function which makes it much more convenient.
- Available in 9 languages: Arabic, Chinese – Simplified, Chinese – Traditional, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish
- Comes installed with major security distributions including BackTrack and Matriux
也是有以Chrome 為核心的版本,叫 Mantra on Chromium
- Chromium based portable browser for pentesters